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5th death anniversary of Abu Talha tomorrow

Tomorrow is the fifth death anniversary of Khandoker Abu Talha who was killed by the muggers when he was trying to save a school teacher from muggers and catch several muggers on 8th October 2017 early in the morning at K M Das Lane of Tikatuli in the capital.

 Khondoker Abu Talha, Son of Abu Riaz Md. NuruddinKhondoker was a 2nd year student of CSE Department of Daffodil International University. He feel prey muggers near his home in the morning and lost his life having been stabbed by them while saving a school teacher from the muggers.

Khandaker Abu Talha Memorial Foundation and the Daffodil International University chalked out elaborate program including DoaMahfil and Discussion session to mark the day.

To commemorate Khondoker Abu Talha Daffodil International University introduces ‘Talha Memorial Scholarship’ since 2017. The ‘Khandaker Abu Talha Memorial Bravery Award’ for Journalists has been jointly introduced by the Khandaker Abu Talha Memorial Foundation and the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Daffodil International University to encourage and inspire journalists in challenging and adventurous journalism (print, online and electronic media).

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