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Amendment to DSA needed with freedom of speech

Speakers in a dialogue talked about the misuse of Digital Security Act (DSA) organized by the international human rights organization ARTICLE 19 at a hotel in the capital on Sunday.

They said that the law could be revised but a state must have such law to ensure the security of its citizen in the digital world, according to a press release.

ARTICLE 19 hosted the dialogue in partnership with Plan International Bangladesh as part of its series of initiatives under the project “Our Voices Our Choices: Women and Youth for Democratic Civic Space (OVOC)”. The project is funded by the European Commission.

Faruq Faisel, Regional Director of ARTICLE 19 South Asia, presided over the dialogue while among others members of parliament Mir Mushtaque Ahmed Robi MP, Rana Mohammad Sohail MP, former member of parliament Mahjabeen Khaled, former member of parliament Md Nobi Newaz, Maria Claudia LILLER, Human Rights Officer of the Delegation to the European Union to Bangladesh, Afroz Mahal, Program Management and Implementation Director of Plan International Bangladesh and AKM Ahmedul Islam, Director of Basis spoke at the dialogue.

Rumky Farhana, Senior Program Officer, ARTICLE 19 South Asia, presented the objectives and scope of the dialogue and the activities undertaken under the OVOC project and emphasized on the positive engagement among duty bearers and duty holders on such endeavour.

Eminent lawyer ZI Khan Panna said: “Many provisions of the Digital Security Act are contrary to the freedom of speech recognized under Article 39 of the Bangladesh Constitution. All sections of this Act should be made bailable.”

Bangladesh National Parliament member Mir Mushtaque Ahmed Robi MP said: “Any law is enacted for the welfare of people. Abuse and misuse of the law is not acceptable. Rural people should be given proper understanding about Digital Security Act and digital literacy.”

Bangladesh National Parliament member Rana Mohammad Sohail MP said: “It is the responsibility and duty of parliamentarians to speak in the national parliament, to uphold the fundamental rights of people and protect their freedom of speech. The Digital Security Act needs to be amended to bring it in line with the international human rights law.”

Former member of parliament Mahjabeen Khaled said: “The Digital Security Act has left a lot of loopholes because it was drafted and enacted in too much haste.”

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