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Application for DU entrance test resumes tonight

The online application process for honours first year admission test of Dhaka University (DU) under 2020-21 academic sessions is set to resume on Sunday night.

The admission process will resume on Sunday night, which was closed since 12:45pm on Thursday due to a technical fault.Md Mostafizur Rahman, the convener of online admission committee of DU and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department, confirmed the matter.

The application period will be extended if needed, he said.

The entrance test will begin on May 21 with the admission test of ‘Ka’ unit, which will be held in eight divisional cities for the first time considering the pandemic situation.

The admission test for DU’s ‘Ka’ unit will take place on May 21, while the admission test for ‘Kha’ unit will be held on May 22, ‘Ga’ unit on May 27, ‘Gha’ unit on May 28′ and ‘Cha’ unit (General Knowledge) on June 5.

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