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Border with India shut for two weeks

Bangladesh has shut its border with India for any kind of movement except cargoes for two weeks to contain the spread of the Covid-19.

India is going through a terrible second wave of Covid-19. Lack of hospitals, oxygen cylinders and healthcare has brought the nation to its knees.

So, to limit Covid-19 transmission from the neighbouring country Bangladesh has decided to shut off the land borders, which were open on a limited scale till now.

On Thursday, the Foreign Ministry’s proposal to shut down Bangladesh’s borders with India was rejected at an inter-ministerial meeting.

India’s number of cases surged by 349,691 in the past 24 hours, the fourth straight day of record peaks, and hospitals in Delhi and across the country are turning away patients after running out of medical oxygen and beds.

Hospitals and doctors have put out urgent notices that they were unable to cope with the rush of patients.

People were arranging stretchers and oxygen cylinders outside hospitals as they desperately pleaded for authorities to take patients in, Reuters photographers said.

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