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Cake festival held in Gaibandha

A daylong cake festival organized by National Small and Cottage Industries Samity Bangladesh (NASCIB), was held at local Municipal park here on Sunday in festive mood.

The objective of the festival is to introduce the people with the country made pitha-pulis and to make it popular to the people, sources said.

A good number of entrepreneurs particularly the female ones set up their stalls where various types of country made cakes (pithas) were exhibited for the visitors. In the afternoon, the festival was turned into a fair when a large number of people from all walks of life thronged the fair ground.

Amzad Hossain, President of NASCIB, Gaibandha unit, said the entrepreneurs were inspired from the festival and they would arrange the festival for the people in future.

Assistant general manager of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Cooperation (BSCIC) here said they had provided cooperation to arrange the festival.


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