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Chevron Bangladesh, Save the Children celebrate 13 years of partnership

Chevron Bangladesh and Save the Children recetnly celebrated their long partnership to promote access and increase basic educational outcomes for marginalised children through SHIKHON program with an event titled “Dissemination Program of SHIKHON Tracer Study and Celebrating 13 Years of Partnership” held at the Lakeshore Hotel, Gulshan, Dhaka.

Since 2008, the SHIKHON project, a collaboration between Chevron and Save the Children, has reached more than 21,000 people and provided access to primary education to more than 4,000 at-risk, out-of-school children, said a press release.

For the past 13 years, it has been a critical safety net and springboard to success for local children. Under the project, dropped out and out of school children completed primary education (school readiness to Grade V) through Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) schools and transitioned to nearest high schools in Grade VI; and marginalised hard-to-reach children completed a pre-primary component and Grades I through III from Early Primary Education (EPE) centers or one-room schools and be equipped to transition into Bangladesh’s national education system from Grade IV and beyond.

At the event, the findings of the Tracer Study on the SHIKHON program were presented by Shah Shamim Ahmed, Associate Professor, Institute of Education and Research, Dhaka University.

The findings from the Tracer Study on the Chevron supported SHIKHON project revealed that the program resulted in increased access to cost-effective non-formal basic education for hardest to reach children in targeted communities, increased efficiency, and quality of nonformal basic education services using holistic approaches for children to succeed in school and increased collaboration between the formal and non-formal primary sectors to promote sharing and adoption of best practices.

The event was attended by Eric M Walker, president of Chevron Bangladesh, Shahin Islam, project director, SHIKHON, Save the Children; Muhammad Imrul Kabir, corporate affairs director, Chevron Bangladesh; Dr Md. Abdul Halim, director, Institute of Education and Research, Dhaka University; and Shah Shamim Ahmed, Associate Professor, Institute of Education and Research, Dhaka University, among others.

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