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CMSMEs receive spot loans

As part of a Bangladesh Bank initiative, a focus group discussion with beneficiaries of the BDT 25,000 crore prefinancing scheme and an open loan distribution programme was held in Sylhet to offer spot loan facilities to CMSME entrepreneurs. The initiative, initially launched under Bangladesh Bank’s refinancing scheme and later converted to prefinance scheme, demonstrates the commitment to empowering Cottage, Micro, Small & Medium businesses (CMSME). As the lead bank, BRAC Bank organised the event in compliance with Bangladesh Bank’s directive. Officials from other banks operating in Sylhet participated in this programme, held on November 16, 2024, at a hotel in Sylhet. Nawshad Mustafa, Director of the SME and Special Programmes Department of Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, was the chief guest at the event. Muhammad Mustafizur Rahman and Muhammad Nazmul Haque, Additional Directors of the SME and Special Programmes Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, also attended the event.

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