Despite the dollar crisis, there has been an annual growth of 5.36 percent in the container handling of Chittagong port in the just ended financial year. However, despite the growth in container and cargo handling , the amount of ships arriving at the port has decreased by 6.63 percent . In the recent fiscal year, 3 thousand 971 ships were handled in the port , compared to 4 thousand 253 in the previous fiscal year .
According to Chittagong Port Authority (CHBAK) data, the port transported 31 lakh 69 thousand containers (each 20 feet long) including import, export and empty containers in the financial year 2023-24, which was 33 lakh 7 thousand in the previous financial year. In fiscal year 2023-24 , cargo handling was 12 crore 32 lakh 42 thousand 724 tons . In the previous financial year which was 11 crore 82 lakh 97 thousand 643 tons .
Earlier, the port’s annual container traffic fell by 7.62 percent in the fiscal year 2022-23. However, Chittagong port transported a record 32 lakh 55 thousand containers in the financial year 2021-22, then the annual growth was 5.11 percent.
Container transport grew by 3.1 percent in 2020-21, 2.92 percent in 2019-20 and 3.9 percent in 2018-19.
The total amount of container transport in the financial year 2020-21 was 30 lakh 97 thousand, in the financial year 2019-20 it was 30 lakh 04 thousand and in the financial year 2018-19 it was 29 lakh 19 thousand.
Chairman of Chittagong Port , Rear Admiral Mohammad Sohail said , ‘ The net income of the port has increased by 17.87 percent compared to the previous financial year . Although the rate of arrival of ships has decreased by 6.63 percent compared to last year . 3 thousand 971 vessels were handled in the port in the just ended financial year . It was 4 thousand 253 in the previous financial year . However, the port has been able to achieve a growth of 5.36 percent in container handling and 4.18 percent in cargo handling . ‘
The secretary of the port, Mohammad Omar Farooq , said that due to the addition of modern handling equipment , automation , experience , efficient management and the implementation of new development projects and plans , growth in container and cargo handling has been possible in the fiscal year 2023-24 . This growth in cargo and container transport at Chittagong port in the fiscal year ended after the impact of Russia-Ukraine war is proof of the increase in Bangladesh’s foreign trade.
Chabak Secretary Omar Farooq also said that the Patenga container terminal of Chittagong Port is being operated by foreign operators since the outgoing financial year . It increases the income of the port . Investment in Bay Terminal is increasing . The activities of Matarbari deep sea port are being taken forward . The authorities are trying to increase the capacity and efficiency of the port by increasing space and equipment facilities. The container capacity of the port has been increased and various new equipments are being added, he said.
Regarding the less number of ships arriving , he said that now larger ships can crowd at the Chittagong port jetty than before . Larger ships transport more goods and containers at once . This may reduce the number of ships . We want to create opportunities to transport more goods in bigger ships . This will reduce ship fare , importers and exporters as well as the country will benefit economically .
FBCCI President Mahbubul Alam said that the country’s economy is growing . The national budget is increasing . Import and export are increasing . Its reflection is the growth of container and cargo handling of Chittagong port . We hope that Chittagong Port will show its capacity to participate in the development of the country . By implementing new projects and plans , Chittagong port will be ready to take the pressure of the growing economy of the country .
The income of Chittagong port mainly comes from berth , jetty rent , key gantry crane ( QGC ) charge , crane charge , port deuce , berthing and unberthing , piloting fee , tugboat rent , water supply to ship , cargo landing charge , shipping charge , removal charge , storage charge , About terminal charge , stuffing – unstuffing charge , electric charge . Besides FDR , the port earns by renting space and facilities .