Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) has arranged a short story competition with the theme “smallholders and oil palm plantation” to engage the communities and families living near or within the palm oil plantation, said a press release.
The stories should focus on the smallholders’ significant role in the palm oil industry, acknowledging thereby that their lives also face challenges. More than 40% of the global palm oil production is done by smallholder.
CPOPC said in the release, “It is due time that we start recognizing smallholders’ substantial contributions to the palm oil industry in meeting one of the most important elements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), that is sustainable consumption and production”.
Through this competition, CPOPC hopes to convey the importance of establishing a global alliance of oil palm smallholders of palm oil producing countries where information sharing and collaboration will continue to take place.
This competition aims to make people appreciate the important role of smallholders in providing affordable vegetable oil for food and energy, the release mentioned.
Winning entries may win up to USD1,000 and a chance to share real-life stories of smallholders’ efforts in managing their plantations and in creating a decent life for their families. CPOPC is offering prizes worth USD7,950 for all winning entries. All the winning stories will be published into a book.
Participant may submit their stories of 500 to 750 words in different languages including English, French, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia on the topics: Decent work, education, and sustainable community; Poverty alleviation, zero hunger, health and economic growth; Climate action, environment and biodiversity. The deadline for submission is July 31, 2021 and stories can be sent to cpopcstorycompetition@cpcopc.org.