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Devote more time to medical research: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday asked the doctors in the country to devote more time to research in medical science burying the mentality of doing private practice to just earn money.

“We are lagging behind in one sector and that is the research in the medical science. Doctors are engaged in practicing and earning money, and they don’t bother to go for research works,” she said.

The prime minister was distributing cheques of “Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship,” “National Science and Technology (NST) Fellowship” and special research donations among teachers, scientists, researchers and students of different universities.

The Science and Technology Ministry arranged the programme at Prime Minister Office.

Hasina asked the doctors among the audience about the facts of private practicing of the physicians.

“It is correct. There are doctors over there, and I am asking them directly,” she said.

The prime minister requested them to put emphasis on research works from now on.

“Importance has to be given on the research works.

Because the people of the country have to be healthy, strong and meritorious. They need to get chance to flourish their merits. For that research is essential,” she added.

She said that the government will give special stimulus package to those who will be involved in heath related research.

“I will again request the doctors who are in public service to reduce their private practice and give more time in research works,” she said.

She said that the government will do everything whatever needed to encourage research works.

PM Hasina mentioned about the outcome of research works in agricultural sector where the country became self sufficient in food production.

“Research opens the door of development. We have to put highest importance on science and health related researches,” she said.

The prime minister said that the government is very much sincere to remove all sorts of obstacles in any kind of research.

She also mentioned that the money invested for the research is coming from the pocket of the mass people of the country.

“These public money must have to be used for the welfare of the people. You have to keep this in mind always,” she said.

Talking about the second nuclear power plant, the prime minister said that the government has built Ruppur Nuclear Power Plant and it had tried to build another one in the southern region of the country.

“But the soil in the southern region is so soft. We have tested soil in every island, but it is not possible to build such plant there,” she said.


She mentioned that after completing the present power plant, the government will build the second one also in rooppur.

“I have asked the Science and Technology Minister to start the second one just after finishing the first one and we have to take preparation for that from now on,” she said.

Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman, chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on Science and Technology Ministry Zahed Maleque and Science and Technology Secretary Md. Ali Hossain also spoke.




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