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DIU Air Rover Scout held certificate distribution ceremony

Daffodil International University (DIU) Air Rover Scout Group organized an orientation and certification ceremony for new scout members on 4 November 2024 at the university’s own campus.

Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group Trainer and Assistant Leader Trainer (PRS) Mr. Farhana Rahman presided over the ceremony as the Chief Guest, Honorable Vice-Chancellor of DIU and Honorable Group President of Air Rover Scout Group Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Dean of business and entrepreneurship faculty of DIU was the special guest. Mohammad Masum Iqbal and leader trainer. Hamzar Rahman Shamim, Deputy Director Bangladesh Scouts Air Region was present. Conducted by Mr. Nazmul Hasan (PRS, Woodbadger) Rover Scout Leader Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group.

New Scout members are welcomed into the Scouting family with flowers at the beginning of the ceremony. On this occasion, a video showing the successes and achievements of DIU Air Rover Scout Group was introduced to all present with the history and activities of the Scout Group. Orientation introduces the new 57 Rover Scouts to the fundamentals of Scouting such as the history of the Scout movement, ethics, leadership development, social responsibility and their responsibilities and duties as volunteers.

Various crests and certificates were distributed on the occasion especially in recognition of the contribution of Rover Scouts in recent national and social activities. Chief guest Professor Dr. M. Lautfar Rahman praised the scouts and said, “Scouting is not just a movement, it is a philosophy of life for our students, which helps in developing human qualities and leadership. The DIU Air Rover Scout Group has already been recognized across the country, especially for its outstanding role in activities such as traffic control, relief distribution in flood-affected areas and establishing emergency communications.”

Special guest Professor Dr. Mohammad Masum Iqbal said, “Scouting is a powerful educational system for the youth, which helps in developing their skills and human qualities. Members of the DIU Air Rover Scout Group are making significant contributions to the country and society, which is a matter of great pride for us.” Mr. Md. Hamzar Rahman Shamim shared his personal life scouting experience and encouraged the new scouts to participate in voluntary work and said, “DIU hopes this initiative of Air Rover Scout Group will play an important role in developing patriotism, humanity and leadership qualities among the students.”

This program of DIU Air Rover Scout Group will serve as a starting point for the new scouts. They will develop a strong foundation of interest in social responsibility, leadership development, and national service. At the end of the program, Scout members discuss their future plans by participating in group activities, which will motivate them to participate more actively in Scouting activities.

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