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Don’t vote BNP-Jamaat they are alliance of killers: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has once again urged the people not to vote for BNP-Jamaat nexus in the next general election as they will just ruin the country.

“They (BNP-Jamaat) will just destroy the country, nothing else. So, make it sure that BNP-Jamaat must not come to power again,” she said.

The prime minister made the call on Sunday while addressing a civic reception accorded to her by Bangladeshi expatriates in the UK at London Marriott Hotel.

She said that BNP-Jamaat alliance is just a bunch of killers, thieves and corrupts.

“So people should remain cautious and must not cast their votes for them,” she said.

Hasina, the chief of the ruling Awami League, expressed hope that people of the country will give their verdict in favour of Awami League in the next general election.

“Inshallah people will vote for us in the next election to setve them one more time,” she said.

She said that BNP-Jamaat nexus siphoned off money and put the country on the verge of destruction.

“How could people cast their votes for them,” she wondered.

She said that Tarique Rahman (BNP vice chairman) has been convicted of corruption and the government has been able to bring back some Tk 40 crore that was smuggled by Koko ( late son of BNP leader Khaleda Zia).

Reiterating her determination to build a developed and prosperous Bangladesh, Hasina said, “Bangladesh will be a smart Bangladesh by 2041. We have formulated Delta 2100 plan. We have to take the country forward.”

She said that there will be no homeless, landless people in the country.

“Awami League works for the welfare of people. No person in Bangladesh will remain without food,” she said.

Criticising BNP leaders including Tarique , the PM said, “Today, where do you get the courage to call us vote thieves?”

She said that Tarique Zia was a vote thief, and his mother ( Khaleda Zia) too.

PM Hasina said that Awami League did not come to power by rigging the votes of the people.

“Awami League always fights for the rights of the people; Awami League has come to power after being elected by thecpeople. Awami League never grabbed or stole power,” she said.

Hasina asked the BNP leaders to reflect on how many parties participated in the February 15, 1996 election and how many votes were cast.

Awami League president said that the people of the country are now aware enough about their right to vote. “We have made the people aware.”

The prime minister said that no one has anything to say about the fairness of the 2008 election that was won by the Awami League-led alliance.

“What is the result of that election? How many seats did BNP’s 20-party alliance get? The 20-party coalition won 29 seats in the election and 1 in a by-election, totaling 30 seats. And the remaining seat is Awami League-led alliance. We got it all. Where is their position among the people that they jump so much?”

She briefly described various development programmes of the government that have been taken in the last 14 years.

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