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Fakhrul demands state benefits for families of enforced disappearances

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has called for state benefits for the families of those who were disappeared and killed during the previous Awami League government.

Fakhrul made this demand at a rally organized in front of the BNP central office in Naya Paltan on Friday afternoon, marking International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

In his keynote speech, Fakhrul said: “The fall of the horrific and tyrannical government was achieved through the student and people’s movement. We can now breathe freely. The interim government chief signed the international convention against enforced disappearances on Thursday.”

He also called for an investigation into all the killings that occurred under the Awami League government to be conducted under the supervision of the United Nations.

The BNP leader stated: “There are still many conspiracies to undermine the victory of freedom-loving people. Therefore, BNP leaders and activists must remain united and vigilant. Those involved in disappearances and killings under the guise of various security forces should be identified and brought to exemplary justice.”

BNP Standing Committee member Salahuddin Ahmed recounted: “On the night of March 10, 2015, around 9:30pm, I was abducted from a house in Uttara by people identifying themselves as law enforcement. I was then kept in a dark room.”

He alleged: “The main person responsible for enforced disappearances was Benazir Ahmed and Ziaul Hasan. Ziaul Hasan should be interrogated thoroughly. Such interrogation will reveal all the information about the disappearances and killings.”

Another BNP Standing Committee member, Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, said: “The real story behind the enforced disappearances and killings during Sheikh Hasina’s government needs to be uncovered. Sheikh Hasina was the chief architect of this campaign of disappearances and killings.”

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