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FSIBL sponsors AIUB robotic team at intl. contest

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has sponsored the AIUB Robotic Crew-2022, who are going to participate at University Rover Challenge-2022 to be held in the United States of America from June 1-4, 2022, a press release said Wednesday.

AIUB Robotic Crew is a team of the students of American International University of Bangladesh who are passionate about robotics and its application.

There are 36 teams from 11 different countries of the world are going to participate in the University Rover Challenge-2022 where AIUB Robotic Crew is representing Bangladesh for the consecutive 6th time. FSIBL is the platinum sponsor of AIUB Robotics team in this competition.

Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. handed over the dummy cheque of the sponsorship to Professor ABM Siddique Hossain, Dean, and Faculty of Engineering of American International University of Bangladesh.

Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Advisor of AIUB Robotic Crew-2022 and Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Mohammad Shidujjaman, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB along with the members of AIUB Robotic team were present in the program.

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