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Fuel, forex may run out after power crisis: BNP

Accusing the Awami League government of ruining the country’s economy through widespread corruption and plundering, BNP on Friday warned that the foreign exchange reserves also may get depleted in the days to come after power and energy crisis.

“The bell of the government’s downfall has begun to toll. There’s a now crisis of power and then we’ll face the shortage of fuel oil. After that, you’ll see the reserves are running out,” he said.

Speaking at a rally, Fakhrul said the country’s people are going through immense sufferings since the prices of all essentials have skyrocketed.

“This government is destroying the economy of Bangladesh in a planned way. Their only purpose is to indulge in corruption and looting. So our now one-point demand is the resignation of the government,” the BNP leader said.

He urged the government to dissolve parliament and hand over power to a neutral caretaker government by stepping down, paving the way for holding a credible election under a reconstituted Election Commission.

“Wake up as we have no more time in our hands. We must oust this fascist and corrupt regime,” the BNP leader said pointing at his party leaders and activists.

BNP’s Dhaka north city unit arranged the programme in protest against the ‘unprecedented’ load-shedding and the hikes in fuel and gas prices.

Fakhrul said Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal admitted seeking a $4.5 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), though last week he denied it.

“This is how this government resorts to blatant lies and deceives and fools people. But they are empty inside. They’re making the country bankrupt by depleting the money resources,” he observed.

Narrating a frightening economic condition, he said the government has not more than $16 billion usable forex reserves in the country. “They are turning Bangladesh into a failed state. So, we can’t give Awami League any more time and chance. The more they stay in power, the faster the destruction of the country will accelerate,” the BNP leader said.

He also slammed his ruling party counterpart Obaidul Quader for his comment that there is no shortage of power and fuel oil in the country. “Why are you carrying out load-shedding for even 8 hours, if there is no shortage? Why are you rationing gas? Why are the experts talking about an ominous sign for Bangladesh?

The BNP secretary general alleged that the government has destroyed the energy sector of Bangladesh through corruption and plundering.

“People in cities are now experiencing power outages for two-three hours while people in the rural areas where electricity is needed for irrigation during Boro season are facing this problem for seven-eight hours. But this government looted thousands of crores of taka in the name of electricity generation and siphoned it abroad,” alleged Fakhrul.

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