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Getting rousing response to forge greater unity: Mosharraf

BNP senior leader Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain on Saturday said their party is getting a very positive and rousing response from political parties and people to their initiative for forging a greater unity to restore democracy in the country.

“We’re trying to create national unity together with democratic and patriotic parties and individuals who do not support this autocratic regime. We’re glad as we are getting an encouraging response, he said.

Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader said they are also receiving an overwhelming response from people to their efforts to unite people against the current government. “We just need to wage an effective street movement as people are eagerly waiting for that.”

National People’s Party (NPP) arranged the programme at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU), marking the 41st death anniversary of BNP founder and late president Ziaur Rahman.

Mosharraf, a BNP standing committee member, said the country’s people have lost their full confidence in the current government due to its ‘misrule’.

“People all over the country are angry with this regime. They want to see the fall of this government as soon as possible,” he observed.

Slamming the government for its failure to control the hikes in all essential commodities and food grains, including rice, Mosharraf said Bangladesh is now witnessing a silent famine.

“On the one hand, inflation is showing an uptrend, on the other hand, the value of taka is declining only for the misrule of this regime.” They have been in the government by force and by creating syndicates. Business is in the hands of their Awami syndicate that controls the prices of the commodities,” he observed.

The BNP leader said there is no alternative to waging a strong movement to get rid of the prevailing situation in the country.

He also warned the ruling party that it may face mass protests in Dhaka like in Sri Lanka if it does not quits power immediately.

Mosharraf said it is now a proven fact that there will never be a free and fair election in this country if the Awami League government remains in power. “It’s proved through the previous election under the current regime. It’s also now internationally recognised. So, the election must be held under a non-party neutral government.”

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