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Govt won’t gain from preventing rallies: Mirza Fakhrul

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Thursday accused the government of trying to suppress the movement of opposition and said the government can achieve nothing by preventing BNP from holding big rallies.

“You all know how much injustice and repression are going on. The government has been working terribly…to suppress our movement. They talk about democracy by obstructing the opposition’s rallies. They stopped the transport service using the bus owners so that we can’t hold massive rallies,” he said.

Speaking at a programme of unveiling a booklet, he also criticised the government’s ‘undemocratic’ attitude of blocking democratic protests. “They’ll be able to say BNP’s rally is not big. But can they erase the pent-up anger from people’s hearts? They won’t be able to do that. Every person now hates you as you’re hanging onto power based on lies.”

Earlier on Wednesday, Khulna bus-minibus owners association and motor workers’ union decided to keep bus services suspended on October 21 and 22 due to the BNP’s divisional rally on Saturday (October 22).

As part of its divisional rallies, BNP is expected to organise the rally on Sonali Bank premises in Khulna city in protest against the price hikes in fuel and daily essentials and the killing of five BNP leaders and activists in the recent movement and demanding unconditional release of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia.

The party has already arranged two massive rallies in Chattogram and Mymensingh. BNP leaders alleged that many BNP leaders and activists were attacked, arrested and implicated in ‘false’ cases in Chattogram and Mymensingh over holding the rally.

Zia Parishad, a pro-BNP platform, has published the ‘booklet’ in memory of four leaders of the party’s associate bodies who were killed in police firing in the party’s recent anti-government movement.

Mirza Fakhrul unveiled the cover of the booklet titled “Bangladesh Running toward Deathtrap” at a programme at the chairperson’s Gulshan office.

BNP arranged rallies and demonstrations at the district and upazila level since August last protesting the hikes in the prices of fuel and essential commodities. During these programmes, Swechchasebak Dal leader Abdur Rahim and Chhatra Dal leader Nur-e-Alam were gunned down in Bhola, while Jubo Dal leaders Raja Ahmed Shaon Shahidul Islam Shaon were shot dead in Narayanganj and Munshiganj respectively reportedly by police.

On Behalf of Zia Parishad, Mirza Fakhrul handed over financial assistance to the family members of slain Abdur Rahim, Nure-Alam, Raja Ahmed Shaon and Shahidul Islam Shaon.

He also paid respect to the memories of those killed in the ongoing movement and urged the party leaders and workers to be vocal against the government’s misrule by turning the sacrifices of the slain party leaders into strength.

He said it is high time to wake up the country’s people to oust the Awami League government through a mass uprising.

The BNP leader urged the Zia Parishad to intensify its efforts to mobilise public support and encourage people to take to the streets against the current regime.

“We must take to the streets and say loudly that we don’t want them (govt), and people don’t want them (to stay in power). People don’t want to see them in power those who kill people, resort to enforced disappearance, floundering and siphoning off money abroad. If we can’t remove this government, the existence of the country and the nation will be at stake,” Fakhrul said.

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