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JS passes bill to ensure better healthcare for children

The Bangladesh Shishu Hospital and Institute Bill, 2021 was passed in Parliament on Wednesday, aiming to improve the healthcare services for children.

Health and Family Welfare Minister Zahid Maleque moved the Bill which was passed by voice vote.

The bill was designed in line with the Dhaka Children Hospital Ordinance, 2008.

The draft law was prepared merging Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital and Bangladesh Institute of Child Health for ensuring better healthcare services for children.

At present, Bangladesh Institute of Child Health is the academic wing of Dhaka Shishu Hospital.

The Dhaka Shishu Hospital Ordinance, 2008 was promulgated during the caretaker government in 2008.

Some 54 ordinances, out of 122, promulgated during the caretaker government were approved in Parliament following the recommendations of the special committee of the 9th parliament.

But the Dhaka Shishu Hospital Ordinance and 67 others were not endorsed at that time.

Dhaka Shishu Hospital, established in 1977, became an autonomous institute under an ordinance promulgated in 2008 by the then interim government.

The Bangladesh Institute of Child Health was established in 1983 as an academic wing of Dhaka Shishu Hospital.

So, there was no complete law or ordinance over regulation and supervision of the activities of Dhaka Shishu Hospital.

As per the article 21 of the draft law, there will be a 13-member board of directors to run the hospital as an autonomous body.

A director of the hospital would be the executive officer of the hospital while each director would be appointed for three years.

At least 30 seats would be reserved for child patients of poor families.

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