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KS Relief announces shelter,food projects for flood victims in Bangladesh

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KS Relief) announced on Wednesday that it is supporting a rehabilitation program in flood and cyclone affected areas of Bangladesh. The program, implemented by The Sunbulah Welfare Association of Bangladesh, aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with financial support from KS Relief.

There are 6,195 food baskets will be distributed in total and 630 shelters will be constructed for the flood and cyclone victims in 9 different Southern and South-eastern districts in Bangladesh. 1. Food Basket (6,195) Each of the food baskets will contain the following food items of Rice: 10 Kg, Lentil: 7 Kg, Edible Oil: 3 Ltr, Salt: 1 Kg and Sugar: 3 Kg. In total, 6195 food baskets will be distributed in 13 different spots of the following districts; Sl. District 1 Noakhali 2 Feni 2. Shelter Construction (630) There are 630 shelters will be constructed in total in the flood and cyclone affected areas in 9 different districts. Each of the shelter houses will have a 20 feet of length, 10 feet of width and 13 feet of height which will be constructed with brick soiling floor and tin made wall and shade.

Sl. District 1 Noakhali 2 Feni 3 Comilla 4 Laxmipur 5 Bhola 6 Barguna 7 Patuakhali 8 Pirojpur 9 Bagerhat The program was chaired by the Honorable Ambassador of The Royal Saudi Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, His Excellency Isa bin Yusuf Addohailan. As well as a speech was delivered by the Chairman and CEO of Sunbulah Welfare Association of Bangladesh, Dr. Mohammad Shakir Hossain. Mr. Fahad al Bawardi, Mohammad Alqalei and Mohammad Alshammari also delivered speech in this opening ceremony.

Ambassador expressed the generosity and helping attitude of Saudi government to the people of Bangladesh. His Excellency considered this rehabilitation program for the flood and cyclone affected people as an example of development partnership and mutuality with Bangladesh. His Excellency also believes that this rehabilitation program set a bridge between the people of both Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia to deepen their mutual relationship.

The vice chairman of Sunbulah Welfare Association; Brig. Gen. A.B.M Golam Mustafa (Rtd.) and the project director of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KS Relief) Mr. Fahad al Bawardi, Mohammad Alqalei and Mohammad Alshammari were also present in this opening ceremony

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