Mohammad Iqbal, a veteran banker with 28 years working experience in Agrani Bank, Mutual Trust Bank, Midland Bank and Citizens Bank has recently joined Shariah based Union Bank PLC (UBL) as Deputy Managing Director.
Prior to joining the this 4th generation Shariah based Union Bank, Iqbal was Senior Executive Vice President and Head of Business and CAMLCO at Citizens Bank. In the basket of portfolio, he served in the various important positions including Head of Corporate, Emerging Corporate, SME and Special Programs, Credit Risk, Agriculture Credit, Retail Banking, Islamic Banking (SME Segment), Sustainable Finance and Financial Inclusion. As a result of his efficiency the former working banks won various rewards.
Mohammad Iqbal obtained his B.Com Honors (Finance) and M.Com (Banking) from University of Dhaka. He received training on various aspects of banking at home and abroad. Iqbal was a speaker at BIBM, BAB and SCITI of BSCIC. To develop his professional skills he traveled to Japan, China, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Nepal and Bhutan.