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MRCP Exam being held at Evercare Hospital

Evercare Hospital Dhaka, the first JCI-accredited hospital in Bangladesh, proudly announced the commencement of the inaugural of Pathfinder MRCP PACES (Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) trial examination in Bangladesh, started on 27th April.

On this occasion, the hospital authorities arranged a press conference jointly with Evercare Hospital Dhaka and the Royal Colleges of Physicians, UK at the hospital auditorium on 27th April. In collaboration with the Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK, Evercare Hospital Dhaka is honored to facilitate the inaugural of MRCP PACES trial examination, offering aspiring medical professionals in Bangladesh the opportunity to undertake this internationally recognized assessment locally.

The event brought together a distinguished panel of experts, including the medical and academic community, including Dr. Tanzeen RAZA, International Medical Director MRCP(UK) PACES at the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK; Professor Dr. David Black, Medical director of the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board; Dr. Stuart Hood, Medical Director for Assessment [MRCP(UK)] for the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK; Dr. Matthew Thomas , Dean of Examinations, Faculty of Medicine, Royal Colleges of physicians of Edinburgh; Dr. Mashkur Khan, Regional Adviser, Royal Colleges of Physicians of London; and Prof. Quazi Tarikul Islam, Federation Lead, Bangladesh, Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK.

Furthermore, the event was attended by key figures from Evercare Hospital Dhaka, Dr. Ratnadeep Chaskar (CEO & Managing Director, Evercare Hospitals, Bangladesh), and Dr. Arif Mahmud (Director of Medical Services, Evercare Hospitals, Bangladesh).

In the press conference, Dr. Tanzeen Raza, International Medical Director MRCP(UK) PACES at Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK, remarked, “The MRCP PACES exam is held in several countries worldwide following the UK standards. I am delighted to share that the test will now be held at Evercare Hospital in Bangladesh while maintaining the same level of quality. If a suitable hospital is found, the center will be expanded in the future. This Saturday and Sunday, experts from the UK will train 14 professors in Bangladesh on practical exam.”

Prof. Quazi Tarikul Islam, Federation Lead, Bangladesh, Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK, shared his insights, stating, ” In the past, candidates in our country used to spend a lot of money to travel abroad and take exams. This included expenses related to accommodation and travel, among other things. Women candidates were particularly affected as they were required to be accompanied by a husband or guardian, which prevented many of them from participating in the exam. However, this problem can be resolved by establishing examination centers within the country.”

Dr. Ratnadeep Chaskar, CEO & Managing Director of Evercare Hospitals, Bangladesh, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “The initiation of the MRCP exam at Evercare Hospital Dhaka represents a significant leap forward for medical education in Bangladesh. It reflects our ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation in healthcare delivery.”

Dr. Arif Mahmud, Director of Medical Services at Evercare Hospitals, Bangladesh, added, “The doctors of our country previously had to travel abroad to participate in this examination. However, with the establishment of the examination center in Evercare Hospital Dhaka, doctors will now be able to take the examination in-country. This is a significant development for the medical education system of our country.” The speaker expressed his sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Health, Director General of Medical Education, BCPS, BMA, BMDC, and all other concerned parties for approving Evercare as the first center to offer this examination.

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