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No specific allocation for low-income people: BNP

File photo of BNP Secretary Genneral Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

Mentioning that the lowly-paid workers and day-laborers have been the worst victims of the pandemic, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Tuesday said that the government has not yet made any specific allocation for them.

He also alleged that pro-ruling party people are taking benefits of the stimulus packages announced by the government for the pandemic victims.

He made the remarks while speaking at a virtual discussion.

“We’ve repeatedly said the government should help mainly those who live from hand to mouth and those who work in the informal and SME sectors during the corona period. Our poor brothers and sisters have been suffering most since the outbreak of the pandemic, but there’s no allocation for them in the packages announced by the government. There’s no specific allocation for them,” Fakhrul said.

He said their party proposed providing each affected worker with a one-time incentive of at least Tk 15,000 for three months, but the government did not pay heed to it. “Government officials and the cohorts of Awami League are taking away all the incentives that have been announced for owners.”

Jatityatabadi Sramik Dal, the workers’ wing of BNP, arranged the virtual programme marking its 42nd founding anniversary and historic May Day.

Fakhrul criticised the government for extending the lockdown without taking any step to mitigate the sufferings of the poor, workers and the day-labourers.

“The government has enforced the lockdown without taking any step for easing the sufferings of the day-labourers and other lowly-paid workers and the poor. They did it to make their political gains by carrying out crackdowns in the name of the lockdown.”

The BNP leader said the government has been arresting the leaders and activists of different Islamic and student organisations taking advantage of the lockdown. “They (govt) are arresting those who speak against them. The entire nation has become hostage to them.”

He urged the young generation and the workers to get united and play a leading role in a movement for establishing a pro-people government and people’s basic rights.

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