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NSU holds Undergraduate Law Symposium Summer

Tthe Department of Law, North South University (NSU) organized the NSU Undergraduate Law Symposium Summer 2024 on 28 November. The Department of Law at North South University has been hosting this symposium since 2021. It celebrates the academic contributions of young legal minds from various universities.

This edition of the symposium saw the highest number of submissions. Almost 70 students from about 30 universities submitted their papers, of which, 13 were shortlisted for presentation.

Dr. Liton Chandra Biswas, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Independent University, Bangladesh; Nadia Rahaman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, East West University, and⁠ ⁠Md. Johir Uddin Shohag, Director, Bangladesh Institute of Research and Education, attended the symposium as its judges.

Mobasshira Tabassum Rahi, a North South University student, became the symposium’s champion. At the same time, Durdana Chowdhury of the University of Dhaka and Upama Sharma of the University of Chittagong won the prizes for 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively.

The Vice Chancellor of NSU, Professor Abdul Hannan graced the prize-giving ceremony as the Chief Guest of the symposium, along with Professor Rizwanul Islam, Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, NSU, and Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Chair, Department of Law, NSU.

During the prize-giving ceremony, Professor Hannan noted the need for good lawyers in Bangladesh to bring about dynamic growth in the legal arena of Bangladesh. He emphasized how arranging such symposiums aids the process of creating well researched and competent future lawyers.

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