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Over 1300 hectares of crops damaged following surge in water level of three C’nawabganj rivers

-The low-lying areas and chars along three rivers, including Padma, in Chapainawabganj have been submerged after the water levels in those surged suddenly, causing damage to crops.

Locals informed that some 4,585 farmers have suffered losses as crops on 1,354 hectares of land along the rivers has been damaged.

Residents said the water levels in the Padma, Mahananda and Punarbhaba rivers started swelling over the past 10 days, allowing water to enter the croplands and homesteads.

Dr Palash Sarkar, deputy director of Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) in the district, confirmed the water surge saying that crops on 1,354 hectares of lands have been damaged in Sadar, Shibganj and Gomastapur upazilas.

Some 4,585 growers of Aush, pulses and onion are the victims of the inundation, he said.

District’s Water Development Board Executive Engineer Ahsan Habib informed that the water levels in the rivers increased due to an onrush of water from upstream India as the country experienced heavy rainfall for the past few days.

He, however, informed that the water has been flowing below the danger level and hoped the water will reduce within the next few days.

According to the Water Development Board, the water levels in the Padma, Mahananda and Punarbhaba increased by five, six and 10 cm respectively over 24 hours till 6am on Wednesday.

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