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Pay land development tax with NID

The digital land development tax payment system of the Ministry of Land has included the option of paying land development tax directly using the national identity number, said a press release.

At the same time, Land owners will be able to pay land development tax directly using their NID number very soon.

It is to be noted that the Land Development Tax system has been resumed from April 25 after the system was temporarily shut down for system maintenance from April 18 to 24, 2022. During the maintenance, a number of important updates have been made regarding the claim calculation of 4 crore holdings and the land development tax system related to the 1429 Bangla new year. In addition, the last year 1429 has been attached to the holdings that have been claimed up to 1428.

The introduced feature of the system of direct payment of land development tax with the NID number is that, the land development tax can be paid on the landowner’s registered and holding entry completed land without entering the profile of the landowner in the land development tax system. That is, any person can pay the land development tax on behalf of others. This system will be convenient for the busy people. However, it will be ensured that only the original owner of the land will receive the land tax paying receipt to ensure the property security.

The Digital Land (Development) Tax system of the Bangladesh Ministry of Land has been chosen as one of the five champion projects of the WSIS (2022 (World Summit on the Information Society) contest in category 7 named ‘ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life – E-government’.

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