Dr Mainul Haque, Professor of unit of Pharmacology in Faculty of Medicine and Defense Health, University Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia has been awarded in 3 Golden Research Categories out of the 4 categories: 1.Golden Hand Q1-2020 (Top authors of best among the best Journals),2. Golden Articles (Top researchers most cited in 2020) and 3. Golden Talents (Top achievers in 2020), said a press release.
Prof Mainul Haque is a medical doctor from Bangladesh. He has completed the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Chittagong Medical College, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh in 1985. After that he has completed the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Pharmacology from Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Research (IPGM & R), Dhaka, (Medical Pharmacology), University of Dhaka and also completed MSc and CIDTT from United Kingdom.
Dr Haque has been awarded FRCP from both Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow and Edinburgh, United Kingdom. He has a total work experience of 36 years and 31 years of teaching experience.
He has published 342 original research papers, review papers, and editorials. He was awarded with Platinum Award First Prize Publication Contest 3 in 2021 and First Prize Publication Contest 2 in 2020.