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Reza Kibria threatens to sue Nur, two others

Dr Reza Kibria on Sunday threatened to take legal action against Nurul Haque Nur and two others for their ‘unlawful’ move to remove him from the post of convener of Gono Odhikar Parishad.

Talking to reporters at his Gulshan residence, Dr Reza said Gono Odhikar Parishad will be run under his leadership.

“He (Nur) has become so desperate to remove me that he took the decision without proper voting,” he said.

As per the party constitution, Dr Reza said two-thirds of votes (81 votes) of the central committee are needed to oust its convener or president. “It didn’t happen.”

Besides, he claimed that Nur and his associates forged signatures of some committee members.

“You will see the signatures of those who did not sign there. It is a serious matter. That’s why we’ll file a case against Nurul Haque, Rashed Khan and Shakil Uzzaman for forging signatures and taking votes through irregularities,” Reza warned.

He said only 36 central committee members put down their signatures during the voting for his removal.

“The rest didn’t sign while 81 votes of the central committee are required to remove the convener. So, they could not remove me,” Reza said.

He said he will continue to run the party as its convener. “The party is facing such a situation for only one person. I think we can overcome the problem as we have a lot of good people to save the party.”

Earlier on Saturday, a group led by Nur, removed Reza Kibria from his post of the Gono Odhikar Parishad convener and replaced him with party joint convener Rashed Khan.

A press release, signed by party office secretary Shakil Uzzaman said, the decision was taken as the two- third members of the central committee supported the proposal for Reza’s removal.

Reza Kibria, however, was not present at the meeting.

On October 26, 2021, Bangladesh Gono Odhikar Parishad was launched with Reza Kibria as its convenor and former Ducsu Vice Present Nurul Haque Nur as member secretary with the motto of restoration of democracy, establishment of justice, rights of people, and saving the national interests.

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