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Rice prices to reduce as Aman rice in market: Ali Imam

Food Adviser Ali Imam Majumdar has said the rice prices may decline gradually with the new Aman rice coming to the market.

“The harvesting of Aman paddy has already started in the country’s northern region. There has been a bumper yielding of Aman this year…. Our Aman collection campaign will start from next Sunday,” said the adviser on Thursday.

He was briefing reporters after a meeting at the Directorate General of Food in the city. Top officials of the food directorate including its regional directors were present in the meeting.

The government will start the Aman collection drive from next Sunday with a target to collect 10 lakh metric tons (MT) of Aman rice and paddy, increasing the prices by Tk 3 per kg this year.

The food adviser said more rice are in the import pipeline as LCs have already been opened to import 1.5 lakh MT rice.

He said the rice prices have remained stable for a week as the prices don’t go high anymore.

The prices of rice and paddy were increased, considering the matter of ensuring fair prices for farmers as the production costs went high, said the adviser.

Food Director General Abdul Khaleque said the target was set to collect a total of 10 lakh metric tons of Aman rice and paddy –5.5 lakh MT rice, 3.5 lakh MT paddy and one lakh MT atap rice-during this Aman season.

The price of rice per kg was increased to Tk 47 from Tk 44, while that of paddy to Tk 33 from Tk 30 and Atap rice to Tk 46 from Tk 42, he said.

Replying to a question, the food adviser said though Bangladesh is nearer to self-sufficient in rice production and the country doesn’t need to import rice sometimes and heavy tariffs were imposed on rice imports at that time.

This year there are zero tariffs and the Agricultural Ministry now predicted that there would be a deficit of 6-7 lakh MT of rice this year, he said.

Food Secretary Masudul Hasan said 134 businessmen have so far been permitted to import 10.52 lakh MT rice.

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