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Road to Regionals: Hult Prize at BUBT 2022

Hult Prize at BUBT has organized the GRAND FINALE of Hult Prize On-Campus round recently. The event took place in International conference Hall, BUBT on recently.

This year’s Hult Prize call to action is, “Getting the world, back to work.” The main conceptual point is bringing the post-pandemic economically damaged world back to work to create jobs, stimulate economies, reimagine supply chains and improve outcomes for 2000 people by 2024 while meeting the sustainable development goals and creating positive impact on environment or society.

The organizing committee at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) on campus-program 2021-22, lead by Fahim Mahmood Haque as the Campus Director of HULT PRIZE at BUBT, organized the event.

In this event there was some Outstanding Guests, First of all, the honorable Chief Guest Professor Dr. Muhammed Fayyaz Khan,  Vice-Chancellor of BUBT. The Special Guest, Professor Dr. Md. Ali Noor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of BUBT and The Session Chair Professor Dr. Syed Masud Husain, Dean-Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, BUBT.

The Honorable Guest Speaker for Grand Finale of HULT PRIZE at BUBT was Mr. AKM Zabed Chief Executive Officer of Navana Petroleum Limited.

All the speakers advised to get engaged with more extracurriculam activities along with academic studies.

Professor Dr. Muhammed Fayyaz Khan Sir, Vice-Chancellor of BUBT  advised students to update themselves with the knowledge of  Digital Technology  mentioning that the world is getting more technology dependent.

The special guest Mr. AKM Zabed Congratulate all 3 teams for showing the skill and courage to come up to the final and also appreciated of their innovative business start up ideas. He also encouraged other students to share their ideas in the platforms like Hult Prize and to be  entrepreneurs.

The Hult Prize campus director Fahim Mahmood Haque thanked the organizing committee members of Hult Prize as well as the members of BUBT Business Club for the help to make such a prestigious event. He also advised the participants to, Be a leader, Be a person to change the world!!

The panel of Judge’s included  AKM Zabed, Chief Executive Officer Navana Petroleum Limited.And Prof. Dr. Syed Masud Hossain, Dean, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, BUBT.Mr. Sayeem Bin Hafiz, Assistant Professor of Finance & Moderator BUBT Business Club.Mr. Aslam Uddin, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and finally Mr. Thawhidul Kabir, Assistant Professor,Department of Management.

Around 30 teams had registered and submitted their ideas, eventually 3 of them made it to the grand Finale.

The second runner-up team is “R-A-E-S” and their business concept is named “Glassy” which is an eyewear brand with a vision for revolutionizing vision.

The first runner-up team is “Quad Bezos” and their business idea is named “Eco-ssories Furniture” which is mainly a brand to make furnitures by using wasted, damaged and old tires.

Team “BUBT Strugglers” has been declared as the Champion of This HULT PRIZE at BUBT 2022, and their business idea is named “MUKUL” which is a platform to connect plant lovers with local nurseries and masses who are enthusiastic to work with the plant industry and it has a clear vision to grow more planting to make environment pollution free.

The winning team “BUBT Strugglers” will  participate in the regional summit. After that, they will get a direct entry to the accelerator program of the Hult Prize.

Hult Prize Impact Summits have a history of being life-changing experiences for attendees and bring together a community of people with an outlook of changing the world through business. Bangladesh University of Business  and Technology (BUBT) is arranging this prestigious event successfully for the 4th time in a row. Throughout the Journey BUBT Hult Prize community has received enormous support  from the honorable faculty members as well as the massive response from the students. Hult Prize at BUBT is continuously  encouraging Bubtians to reveal their entrepreneur selves out of the shell, And this year, it wasn’t different. With best wishes to the winning team for the next round and with the oath to encourage students to be entrepreneur BUBT Hult Prize Community has finished the on campus event with success.

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