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Rosatom observes International Mother Language Day

Rosatom State Corporation of Russia observed International Mother Language Day by organizing various information and education-based events both in Dhaka and Pabna’s Ishwardi. The events were organized with the support of the Information Center on Nuclear Energy (ICONE), Dhaka, and the Public Information Center on Nuclear, Ishwardi.

Young scientists of ICONE conducted programs at the Ekushey Book Fair stall, set up by Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission. A quiz on the atomic topic “Understand the nuclear worker”, intellectual games “Nuclear Energy Exam”, “Chronograph”, “Guess the scientist”, and “Guess the country by the flag” were organized for the visitors, especially young students. During the game “Nuclear Energy Exam” participants had to pull out a piece of paper from a bowl, where the initial letter of the nuclear term from the Nuclear Alphabet was written, and they had to explain the term, said a press release.

For the first time, the VVER-1200 power unit NPP puzzle with AR mobile application was presented to a wide audience. With the help of this puzzle, visitors could know about the elements of a nuclear power plant with a VVER-1200 reactor, its reliability, and safety with the help of visual animations in the augmented reality program.

The Public Information Center on Nuclear in Ishwardi organized 3 activities for students of local high schools and colleges.

During the “Help the Nuclear Worker” activity college students took part in brainstorming sessions to translate several words from English to Bangla, used at NPP. Then school children participated in “Understand the Nuclear Worker” and “Knowledge is Power” activities. Before Mother Language day workers of the PIC collected frequently used phrases by NPP workers in Bangla, they presented them to students and asked to guess the meaning of each phrase and discuss it. During the activity “Knowledge is Power” students were divided into teams, and each of them received a scientific term in English, which they had to translate into Bengali.

This year, more than 863 people participated in the activities organized in Dhaka and Ishwardi. Winners were presented with goodie bags and other souvenirs.

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