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Sack method for ginger cultivation gains popularity in Magura

Commercial ginger cultivation has started in Magura by sack method. Farmers say that they are interested in ginger cultivation in this method as the yield is good. Many people in the district are interested in ginger cultivation in fruit and forest gardens using sack method.

Already, some farmers in several villages of the district are using this method for ginger cultivation. And to increase the interest in this cultivation, all cooperation is being done from the agriculture department. Ginger can be grown in cement or potato sacks. In this method, on the one hand, the attack of soil-borne diseases is greatly reduced, on the other hand, in case of natural disasters; the sacks can be moved to another place.

Mahaimin Alam is an agricultural entrepreneur of Barakhari village of sadar Upazila In addition, to other cultivations, watching Tube, he cultivating about 1250 sacks of ginger this year.

Mahaimin Alam said, I have other crops including mushrooms. However, the desire to grow ginger in sacks arises after watching YouTube. I have grown about 1250 sacks of BARI -2 variety ginger near my house. About 40 taka was spent on each bag, including the purchase of bags, ginger, fertilizer and maintenance. Since I started ginger cultivation, the agriculture department is also supporting me. We expect to get 2.5 to 3 kg of ginger per bag.

Deputy Director of Agricultural Extension Department (DAE) Dr. Md. Yachin Ali said, ginger can be grown in cement sacks. In this method, on the one hand, the attack of soil-borne diseases is greatly reduced, on the other hand, in case of natural disasters; the sacks can be moved to another place. It can be placed anywhere in the courtyard, along the wall or in the open space around the house.. Ginger is being cultivated in the district this year in about 24,250 sacks. We have been providing all kinds of support from the agriculture department to encourage this cultivation.

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