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Sale of govt trees before auction held in Manikganj

The auction committee has convened a meeting for the sale of government trees. An employee of the UNO office was accused of cutting and selling trees before the meeting was held.

Eighteen Mahogany and Jamgach were cut and sold from the pond bank of Manikganj’s Ghior Upazila Parishad square last Monday (May 20).

It is known that last Monday Uno’s CA said. Eighteen trees were cut under Atwar’s leadership. Of these, sixteen trees were bought by a businessman named Belal (48) from Ghior’s eastern suburbs. Two trees are left for the purpose of making office furniture. If government trees are to be sold, proper process has to be completed through upazila auction committee. But here the trees were cut and sold before the meeting of the auction committee was called.

In this regard Belal Hossain said, “I bought and cut sixteen trees from the bank of the upazila square.” For the price of the tree, I paid 90,000 taka to Atwar of the UNO office.

Upazila Auction Committee Member Secretary Engineer. Ashraful Islam Bhuiyan said that a meeting of the auction committee has been called for the sale of trees. But I do not know who or where the trees were cut before the completion of the auction proceedings.

Upazila Forest Officer (Additional Duty) Shariful Islam said, I do not know about the sale of trees.

Upazila Agriculture Officer Majedul Islam said, I cannot say whether there was any meeting regarding the sale of trees. I don’t know anything about this.

Upazila Chairman Md. Habibur Rahman said that the approval of the ministry is required to sell government trees. Without that there is no opportunity to sell trees. It should be investigated.

When asked about this from Executive Officer’s Office Assistant (CA), Atwar Rahman, he said that he came to the office and talked to Sir in detail.

Ghior Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Aminul Islam said that trees have been cut following the proper procedure but the number will not be so much.

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