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Save money, produce food to face tough days: PM

 Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday asked all to make their best effort to increase food production amid a strong prediction that the world may face a severe food crisis followed by famine next year.
“…during my recent visits to the UK and the USA I had talked to many world leaders and heads of organisations, and everybody was very much anxious about the issue (food security). They think that 2023 will be a very dangerous year when there might be famines and food crisis,” she said.
The Prime Minister made the statement delivering her introductory speech in the weekly meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Economic Committee (Ecnec) held at the NEC Bhaban in the city. The Prime Minister joined the meeting virtually from her official residence –Ganabhaban. Ecnec is an executive committee under the Cabinet Division to verify and approve all national important development projects.
“We must increase food production and preserve those. We must give special attention in preserving and processing food. Our land is very much fertile, and we have to increase our food production,” she said.
She reiterated her call to maintain austerity in every sphere of life, avoiding any unnecessary expenditure.
“All have to be cautious and maintain austerity in using electricity, fuel, water, gas and everything else. I will request every family to go for savings whatever they can. And this is applicable for our government also,” she said.
She said that the government will not go for any unnecessary expenditure.
“We will just use whatever we need, not more than that. We do not have any scope for that. Because I saw anxiety among the world leaders and heads of organisations. So, we must maintain enough cautionary steps,” she said.
The Prime Minister said that the country must be advanced, overcoming all odds, and the government will do that as long as people are with them.
“They (people) are the biggest power for us. We do not have any tension as long as people are with us. We have to encourage the people and utilise them as we did while facing the coronavirus pandemic,” she said.
She said that the country needed to be free from the impact of recession that is stemming from Ukraine war.
Sheikh Hasina also requested the Planning Commission not to spend their valuable time to discuss inflation every time.
“Because many countries around the world do not discuss this issue (too much). The USA and the European countries …do not discuss very much about the issue in their own countries,” she said.
“We also do not need any extensive discussion on this, but efforts should be there to keep prices of essentials within people’s reach. We will do whatever is needed,” she said.
About undertaking any projects, she said that all must think about the maximum benefit for the people.
“There is no need to jump in to undertake any unnecessary project when the fund is available. We have to take any project after very careful scrutiny so that we could get some return from that project, which will be beneficial to the country. We will take that type of project,” she said.
“I did not take any project like that, we were always cautious regarding that matter. We have to remain careful in the future,” she said.
She said that her administration has commitment to the people. “We feel that, we work for that.”
The Prime Minister stressed the need for completing the ongoing projects as quick as possible, even if they need some extra money.
“If we complete the projects, we will be able to get benefits from those projects and economy of the country will get positive impact of that. We have to sort out those projects and implement them quickly.”
She also asked all the ministries to identify projects, which can be implemented a little bit slowly.
Sheikh Hasina said that it is not possible to develop any country without continuation of democratic process.
“For 21 years the power was not in the hands of the people. Power was directly or indirectly inside cantonment. The country was run by military ordinances neglecting the constitution of the country,” she said.
She said that there was a farce in the name of democracy and vote rigging was a norm.
“We witnessed those. As a result, Bangladesh could not advance.”
She said that after coming to power in 2008 the government established Bangladesh as a developing country.
“There is a reason behind this success, that is in the history of Bangladesh, democracy continued without any hindrance. We were able to attain this success due to the unhindered continuation of democracy,” she said.

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