On the occasion of 22nd Founding Anniversary & stepping into 23rd years of establishment, Standard Bank Limited has provided relief assistance to the Covid 19 stricken poor people, said a press release.
Instead of celebrating the founding day, the bank marked it by participating in humanitarian service.ADoa- Mahfil was also organized on the online platform on 3rdJune 2021.
Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of Directors and former President of FBCCI, joined online as the chief guest at the Doa- Mahfil. Managing Director and CEO of the Bank, Khondoker Rashed Maqsood presided over the program.
The release said, in the first phase of relief distribution, the bank is providing relief assistance to 2300 crisis stricken families through its 23 branches.
“We believe that not only business success but also being able to put a smile on people’s faces is the biggest success”,KaziAkram Uddin said.
Vice Chairman of the Bank Ashok Kumar Saha, Directors Messers Kamal Mostafa Chowdhury, Ferozur Rahman, Md. MonzurAlam, S. A. M. Hossain, Mohammed Abdul Aziz, Al-Haj Mohammed ShamsulAlam, Gulzar Ahmed, Md. ZahedulHoque, Al-Haj Mohd. Yousuf Chowdhury,Ferdous Ali Khan, KaziKhurram Ahmed, Md. Abul Hossain, Independent Director NajmulHuqChaudhury, Additional Managing Director Md. TouhidulAlam Khan, Deputy Managing Director Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, acting Company Secretary Md. Ali Reza and about 2500 employees of the bank’s head office and 138 branches across the country were present online at the inaugural function of the relief distribution program.