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Shikharani produce 100 tons fertilizer per month: She is successful entrepreneur in Sathkhira

Shikharani Chakraborty of Satkhira is now a successful Vermi compost and Kechu compost fertilizer manufacturing entrepreneur. Every month more than 100 tons of compost fertilizer is produced from the farm made in the yard of Setarbari.

Prime Minister’s award winning entrepreneur Satkhira Kallar, Shikharani from Joynagar is a role model for many today.

It is known that the demand for organic fertilizers has increased significantly compared to the last 10 years due to the improvement of soil fertility and crop production in the past few years.

In 2009, Shikarani Chakraborty started earthworm compost fertilizer production with 3 Nanda Bacharis. Now there are 3 large houses and 25 small vermicomposting sheds in the yard made of balustrade and tin. 6 Big House Chletricho Compost Fertilizer Production Program.

Three women workers have also been employed in the farm of woman entrepreneur Shikarani Chakraborty. The workers here are also self-reliant by providing money to the family.

Shikharani Chakraborty of Dhandia village in Satkhirakala told about these successes of women entrepreneurs. Shikharani Chakraborty is the wife of Mahan Kumar Chakraborty, a Malaysian expatriate of Dhandiathakurpara village of Joynagar Union in Kalaroa Upazila of Satkhira.

Shikarani Chakraborty said, with the financial support of the Netherlands Embassy, ​​the Solidarity Network Asia Success Project, development efforts and the consultation of the Department of Agricultural Extension have conducted various development-oriented trainings in agriculture and safe crop production in the country and abroad.

She sells trico compost fertilizer at Tk 20 per kg. Earthworm compost is 12 taka per kg and if an NGO buys the earthworms produced by his farm, he sells them at the rate of 1500 taka per kg. And if a farmer or an entrepreneur buys a farm, he sells it at 1000 taka per kg. 30 to 35 thousand taka per month from Setarakhamar.

Upazila Agriculture Officer Abul Hossain said, women entrepreneur Shikarani Chakraborty is working with a big role in safe crop production in agriculture. He received the Prime Minister’s Award in 2018 for his significant contribution to agriculture. Also upazila has multiple achievements at district level. He has been named in the list of AIP honorees from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Bangladesh for his significant contribution to agriculture. It is now pending. He will give full support to his success.

Deputy Director of Satkhira Agricultural Extension Department, Kassaiful Islam said, the various development activities of the society have now progressed a lot and they have acquired skills in various activities including agriculture.

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