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Team Bangladesh lifts Unilever Future Leaders’ League 2022 Trophy

A three-member team from Bangladesh has won the Unilever Future Leaders’ League (UFLL) competition, a global business case competition that connects students from all over the world, a press release said Thursday.

 The competition is centered around creating a better business and a better world through empowering the youth to solve real life business challenges. This year over 54,000 applications were received from 45 universities globally.

Abrar Mahir Ahmed, Afnan Sayed and Rafsaan Muhab Shams won the award after competing with 23 countries in the final round. All three of them are currently management trainees of Unilever (Unilever Future Leaders League – UFLP); Abrar and Afnan are alumni of North South University, and Rafsaan, of IBA, University of Dhaka. As the winners, they will receive a career development opportunity of an all-inclusive trip to the Unilever Headquarters in London, an immersive experience with senior leaders, and a gig working opportunity with a global brand. 

In Bangladesh, the opportunity to participate in this global forum is awarded to the champions of BizMaestros – the flagship business competition of Unilever Bangladesh. From 340 students of undergraduate final years, the BizMaestros finalists had to go through multiple rounds with increasing levels of challenges to solve. Through these rounds, the participants were provided with hands-on training from managers, learning sessions with real business cases and mentorship from leaders of Unilever.

With this win, Bangladesh proudly holds two championship and three runners up trophies of Unilever Future Leaders’ League.

 Mohammad Zaved Akhtar, CEO & Managing Director of Unilever Bangladesh said, “It is a moment of pride for Unilever Bangladesh to witness our talented team’s glorious win in the UFLL Competition. The team showcased their skills and talent on an international platform and upheld the Bangladesh flag.”  

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