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Tk 2,022 crore proposed in new budget for Law and Justice Division

Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali today proposed allocating Taka 2,022 crore for the Law and Justice Division for fiscal year (FY) 2024-2025, which is Tk 305 crore higher than the allocation in the revised budget in FY 2023-2024.

The finance minister in his budget speech in parliament also proposed Taka 45 crore for the Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division for the FY 2024-25.

“Various steps have been taken to establish public service conduct and discipline among the government employees and to objectively evaluate their performance. In the light of Section 19 of the Public Service Act, 2018, the process of drafting the ‘Work Evaluation Rules 2024′ is underway by the Ministry of Public Administration for the purpose of objective performance evaluation of government employees,” Ali said.

While talking about tackling land-related disputes in the country, the finance minister said, “With a view to reducing the number of cases arising out of land disputes and facilitating land services, the Ministry of Land has reformed existing laws and framed new laws and regulations. Notable among them are- Land Offenses Remedy and Prevention Act, 2023, Land Reforms Act’ 2023, Land Development Tax Act’ 2023, Hat and Bazar (Establishment and Management) Act’ 2023, State Acquisition & Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 2023,Sand and Soil Management (Amendment) Act, 2023.”

Meanwhile, Taka 248 crore was proposed for the Supreme Court in the budget for FY 2024-2025, which was 236 core in the revised budget of the outgoing fiscal.

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