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Vegetables, egg prices not enough to calm consumers

Though prices of vegetables, eggs, boiler chicken and rice are slightly down compared to the previous week, the consumers still find the rates higher.

They said the per dozen egg price jumped to Tk 165 gradually from Tk 70, now the egg price decreased slightly and stablilised at Tk150 per dozen. It’s same with the prices of onion, garlic, ginger, cumin seeds, green chili, and some other kitchen items.

Alauddin Dewan, a government employee, told UNB at Karwan Bazar on Friday that he cut down by half the purchase of these essential items due to higher prices.

The low-salaried man struggles with the family expenditure and so he has to reduce the consumption of eggs, fish, meat, and other higher price items.

Alamgir Hossain, an executive of a private company, had a similar experience as he went to market on Friday.

“I have to drop many items from regular consumption basket as my two children’s education expense, parents medicine cost, house rent, and utility bills are higher from the previous, while income is the same,” he told this reporter.

However, prices of vegetables decreased slightly on Friday at Karwan Bazar. The prices of vegetables and fish are different based on quality and areas of the market.

At Karwan Bazar on Friday brinjal was selling at Tk 50 to 80 per kg, okra at Tk 40 to 50, pointed gourd at Tk40 to 50, bitter gourd at Tk80 to 100, bean at Tk200 to 220, Spiny gourd at Tk60 to 70, Arum at Tk80 to 90, tomato at Tk 140 to 180, the carrot at Tk120 to 150, potato at Tk40, green chili at Tk180 to 200 per kg.

Of fish, two pieces of hilsha weighing about 700 grams to 750 grams were selling at Tk 800 per kg at Karwan Bazar fish. Of the other fish, Puti was selling at Tk 300 per kg, puti (live) at Tk 400, cultivated koi at Tk 200 to 220 per kg, koi river at Tk 700. Fali Chanda (Rupchada) at Tk 1200 kg, Chanda small at Tk 600 kg, walking fish (Shoal) at Tk 500 kg, Eel at Tk 700 to 800 kg, Meni at Tk 500 kg, Sheat (boal) at Tk 550 to 700 kg, Ek-thota (Kaitta fish) at Tk 600 to Tk 700, Baila at Tk 600 to 700 kg, Coral Fish at 550 kg, river Pangas at Tk 500 kg, cultivated Pangas at Tk 180 to 220 kg, Rajputi at Tk300 kg, Tilapia at Tk 200 to Tk 220 kg, Ruhit at Tk 320 to Tk 400 kg, medium size carp (katol) at Tk 300 to 400 kg, local variety of Cat fish (Shing) at Tk 400-500 a kg, barbel at Tk 700 kg, lobster at Tk 500 to 700 kg, and shrimp (River) at Tk 700-800 kg.

The local onion was selling at Tk 95 to 100 per kg, while the imported onion at Tk 70 to 75 per kg. Imported garlic was selling at Tk 240 to 260 kg and local garlic at Tk 220 kg. Imported ginger was selling at Tk 180 to 240 per kg. The locally produced ginger was selling at Tk 300 kg based on quality.

Beef is selling for Tk 780 to 800 per kg the mutton at Tk 1150 to 1180. A medium size local cock was selling at Tk 450 to 500 per piece and hen at Tk 400 to 450. The boiler chickens’ price stands at Tk 170 to 190 per kg. The egg (farm) was selling at Tk 50 per hali (4 pieces), egg (local) at Tk 70 and egg (duck) at Tk 70 to Tk 75. Pigeon per pair was selling at Tk300 to Tk 350.

.The red lentil was selling at Tk 130 per kg while the imported item (coarse variety) at Tk 115 kg over the week. Five liters of Rupchanda brand canned soybean oil selling at Tk 860, loose super palm oil at Tk 160 per liter, sugar price at Tk 130 to 140 per kg and molasses at Tk 170 to 200 and flattened rice at Tk 120 to 160 per kg.

According to TCB, the coarse rice was selling in retail at Tk 54 per kg, Pyjam at Tk 58 kg, Nazirshail brand of rice at Tk 80 kg, Minicate at Tk 65 to 70 per kg, Kattari bhog at Tk 95, Pillau rice (Badsha bhog) at Tk 130 to 140 kg and Kalijira at Tk 130 to 140 kg. Coarse flour (loose) was selling at Tk55 per kg, packet flour (Moida) at Tk70 while Ata packet was selling at Tk 60 per kg.

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