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Will make Dhaka rally success at any cost: Fakhrul

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Monday said their party will hold its December-10 rally in the capital at any cost, braving all barriers and adversities.”Alongside the people of Bangladesh, the entire world is keeping an eye on our rally in Dhaka on December 10. We must make this rally a success at any cost,” he said.Speaking at a views-exchange meeting, Fakhrul also said the BNP leaders are working tirelessly and going to people amid serious obstacles and arrest dives by police to successfully hold the rally.

“We must hold a peaceful and successful rally on December 10 if we want to protect the nation, the country’s independence and sovereignty and if we want to get back democracy,” he said.Bangladesh Smmalita Peshajibi Parishad arranged the programme at BNP Chairperson’s Gulshan office ahead of the BNP’s rally.Fakhrul called upon the professionals and intellectuals to join their party’s December 10 rally and intensify the current movement for the restoration of democracy and voting rights of people.

He recalled that the intellectuals and the professionals came forward and played outstanding roles whenever the country faced crises in the past. “We hope they’ll do the same this time as well.” “Our backs are now against the wall and we’re at the very edge of the gorge. The existence of our nation is now at stake and the dreams for which we liberated the country have got shattered,” the BNP leader said.

He alleged the Awami League government has destroyed both the country’s political and economic structures by staying in power without the people’s mandate.”This regime has established a reign of plundering in the country as looting is Awami League’s basic characteristic. Whenever Awami League comes to power they indulge in two things looting public money and spreading fear among people to continue its misrule,” Fakhrul Observed.

Narrating Awami League’s misrule during 1972-1975, he said, this party has established one-party rule Baksal as the party does not believe in democracy. “They can’t move forward together with people. They come to power by deceiving people and resorting to tricks. Their real coulour gets exposed when they come to power which is now evident.”

The BNP leader said entire Bangladesh has now woken up to restore people’s voting rights through their party’s nine divisional rallies. “Out of 10, we’ve already held 9 divisional rallies and people made these programmes complete success with their spontaneous participation overcoming many obstacles. They joined rallies for the restoration of democracy in the country.”

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