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BNP make statement over polls schedule with intent: Quader

Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader Sunday said BNP leaders are making statements with intent about the announcement of the next parliamentary election schedule.

“BNP’s continuous plots and ill-effort to capture the state power through backdoor have been exposed in the statements of its leaders about the announcement of polls schedule,” he said in a statement.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said elections are neither held for any particular party nor wait for any party. In line with the country’s constitution, elections will be held on time through exercise of the voting rights of people, he said.

The BNP, which is isolated from the country’s people due to its wrong politics, is now involved in hatching intrigues to make the next general polls questionable aiming to foil the democratic advancement of Bangladesh, the AL general secretary said.

Since BNP is afraid of facing people, the AL general secretary said, the party has taken the path of the politics of conspiracy.

He said the BNP which was formed involving anti-independence forces, war criminals and foreign agents under the leadership of military dictator Ziaur Rahman, never holds the spirit of democracy.

Quader said they (BNP) have repeatedly taken the path of taking power through backdoor by holding yes-no vote and voter-less polls, forming Rauf-Sadek-Aziz-mark Election Commission (EC) and creating 1.23 crore fake voters.

The BNP is isolated from people and afraid of joining elections as its fake voter bank has been destroyed and there is no chance of taking power through the backdoor, he said.

The road transport minister said BNP does not want democracy, elections and national progress and instead, it takes the path of conspiracy as a political tool to foil the democratic process.

Those who destroyed the democratic environment in this country and introduced the politics of killing-coup and conspiracy politics now talk about democracy, he said.

Quader said the talking of democracy does not match the godfather of graft of Hawa Bhavan, looting and patron of terrorism and militancy.

There is no commitment in the political philosophy of BNP to improve the fate of commoners, he said, adding that whenever BNP came to power, it exploited the country’s people and established the reign of corruption and looting through anti-people decisions.

Quader said BNP has always governed the state bearing the principle of looting and undemocratic mentality.


“So, the development and progress of the country is not visible to them. They have made negative comments about the mega projects that have been implemented so far,” he said.

The AL general secretary said BNP’s irritation over the development and progress of this country proves that they do politics only for capturing the state power, not for people’s welfare.

“We urge BNP leaders to change their political philosophy. Only then they will be able to see the progress and prosperity of the country,” he said.

Quader said the Awami League has always been doing politics holding the democratic principles, ideals and values.

Bangladesh was established through a long democratic movement, struggle and the great 1971 Liberation War under the undisputed leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bangalee of all times, he said.

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