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Govt provoking conflict by scheduling rally on same day: BNP

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has clamed that the Awami League and its affiliated bodies scheduling a rally on the same day as BNP’s mass rally is a deliberate attempt by the government to provoke conflict.

Mirza Fakhrul held the government accountable for any potential clashes that may arise from the situation, he made the remarks during a press conference held at the BNP Nayapaltan central office on Monday afternoon.

The BNP secretary general has called on the government to reconsider the date of their rally, alleging that a specific government figure has been delivering provocative speeches.

Regarding BNP’s general meeting on Wednesday, Mirza Fakhrul informed Dhaka Metropolitan Police about the venue, which awaits finalization on Monday.

Additionally, Fakhrul accused the government of regularly imposing roadblocks and resorting to threatening behaviour through the language employed by government ministers, drawing parallels with terrorist-like rhetoric. However, despite these obstacles, he firmly asserted that the people of the country continue to stand resolute.

Mirza Fakhrul emphasized the constitutional right to assembly, highlighting that the government’s actions are obstructing their freedom of speech and assembly.

He further expressed concern over the alarming rise in disappearances and murders, which have become a daily occurrence under the current government.

Fakhrul highlighted that it’s not just BNP, but 36 parties that have united in demanding the same change. Even the CPB (Communist Party of Bangladesh) asserts that fair elections are impossible under this government. The Jatiya Party and Charmonai Pir have also joined in demanding the government’s resignation.

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