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No vote casts in two polling centres in Rangamati

Not a single vote has been cast at two polling centres at Baghaichari upazila in Rangamati district during the 12th general election on Sunday.

The two centres are Bangaltali Government Primary School under Bangaltali union and Vaibonchara Government Primary School in Sajek union of the upazila.

The on-duty election officials of the polling centres confirmed the information, adding that there are a total of 3,192 voters were supposed to cast their votes in Bangaltali Government Primary School centre and 2,142 voters to Vaibonchhara Government Primary School centre, but nobody cast their vote till 4pm on Sunday.

Alfaz Uddin, presiding officer of Bangaltali Government Primary School, said, “An unknown person called me in the afternoon and said they have boycotted the election. When I asked his identity, he didn’t replied.”

Another presiding officer of Vaibonchhara Government Primary School Md Jahangir Alam could not be contacted as his mobile phone found swithced off.

Baghaichari Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Shirin Akter made no comments in this regard as she didn’t yet received the results of the vote.

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