Today is the 74th birth anniversary country’s popular pop singer of Azam Khan. Mahbubul Haque Khan, popularly known as Azam Khan, was born in Dhaka on 28 February 1950. He had been interested in music since his childhood and ultimately began his music career in his hometown with the group “Trinity Artist Group” in 1967. He joined the 1969 mass uprising, against the Pakistani army. Inspired by his father, he and his brothers took part in the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971.
Immediately after liberation war, he found the pioneering rock band “Uchcharon”, along with his friends Nilu (lead guitars) and Mansoor (rhythm guitars), Sadek (drums). They first appeared on Bangladesh Television in 1972. They got commercial success with “Rail liner Bostite” in 1975. The band release many more hit songs in the 1970s, like “Alal O Dulal”, “Saleka Maleka” and “Papri Keno Bujhe Na”.
Azam Khan won the hearts of millions by rendering some popular numbers like “Ore Saleka”, “Ore Maleka”, “Jibone Kichhu Pabona Re”, “Ami Jare Chaire”, “Ashi Ashi Bole Tumi”, “Obhimani”, “Rail liner Bostite”, “Hei Allah Hei Allah Re”, “Alal O Dulal”, “Didi Maa”, “Bangladesh”, “Keu Nai Amar” and “Neel Noyona”.
His contribution to the country’s music industry brought him the second highest civilian honour award “Ekushe Padak”, which he got posthumously in 2019 and also earned the honorific nicknames “The Pop Samrat” (The Pop Emperor) and “The Rock Guru”.
The legendary singer breather his last on 5 June 2011.