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Dhaka Classics launched to promote classical music

Dhaka Classics, a new musical foundation, at a meet the press event announced its official launch Monday to promote Western classical, jazz, and traditional Bengali music from home and abroad, a press release said Monday.

The foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to create a platform for local and international musicians to showcase their talents and provide music lovers in Bangladesh with quality performances.

Dhaka Classics is committed to providing a platform for musicians to showcase their talent in the field of Western classical, jazz and Bangla music.

The meet the press event featured a presentation on the foundation’s history and goals, as well as musical performances by the found, Kelley Taylor, and visiting guest artist, Neil Mukherjee.

“We believe that Western classical, jazz and Bangla music are important cultural treasures that should be celebrated and preserved,” said the media spokesperson Sanjana who works as the communications and public image chair for the foundation.

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