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Tabith Awal elected new BFF president

Tabith Awal has been elected as the president of Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF).

Tabith secured 123 votes, while his closest rival, AFM Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury, received just 5 votes in the BFF polls held at the InterContinental Dhaka hotel on Saturday, said BFF’s chief election commissioner Mejbah Uddin Ahmed.

Mejbah in a video message released by BFF said of 133 votes, 128 voters casted their votes. Tabith Awal bagged 123 votes out of 128 casted votes while Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury got five votes.

Tabith Awal was declared BFF president for 2024 to 2028 tenure, he added.

Meanwhile, five of the 133 delegates were absent from the AGM and elections.

There are a total of 21 positions in the BFF Executive Committee, with 46 candidates contested for these roles. Two individuals contested for the position of president. Imrul Hasan was elected unopposed as senior vice-president.

A politician, businessman and two-time former vice-president of BFF, Tabith Awal had previously served as a vice president of BFF in 2012 and 2016.

In 2020, the vice-presidential race ended in a tie, and he lost the re-election by just four votes.

Tabith is the fourth elected BFF president after Golam Mostafa, SA Sultan, and Kazi Salahuddin.

Kazi Salahuddin took charge of the federation on April 28, 2008 and served as the president for 16 years.

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