Hajj agencies decry mandatory 1,000-quota for this year

The Hajj Agency Association of Bangladesh has rejected the mandatory quota of 1,000 pilgrims for each agency set for this year in compliance with the decision of the Saudi authorities. Speaking at a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity on Thursday the leaders of the association demanded that the agency-wise quota

National Small and Cottage Industries Association meet at Gaibandha

National Small and Cottage Industries Association Bangladesh (NASIB) Gaibandha district branch organized a meeting fair on Monday at the local Agricultural Training Institute. Various competitions including discussion, raffle draw, banquet are organized in this meeting fair. Mirza Nurul Goni Shovan (CIP), director of SME Foundation, was the chief guest. Gaibandha Chamber of

LHBL holds free eye camp in Chhatak

LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited (LHBL) in association with Rotary Club Sylhet City (RCSC), organized a day long free eye camp at its Chhatak plant for the local communities, press release said Monday. The eye camp was inaugurated by Asif Bhuiyan, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer and Amitav Singh, Industrial Director of LHBL.