BB tightens belt on forex reserve

The central bank has tightened spending on the foreign exchange reserve to judiciously meet the cost of importing essential commodities and fuel. As part of this move, Bangladesh Bank has imposed restrictions on loans for importing 27 types of goods, reducing import demand which has increased by 44 per cent in

Premier Bank gets BB’s sustainability rating award

Bangladesh Bank has recognized The Premier Bank Limited as one of the best sustainable financial institutions in Bangladesh, a press release said Monday. Bangladesh Bank Governor Fazle Kabir handed over the certificate of recognition to the DMD and CFO of Premier bank Sayed Abul Hashem, FCA, FCMA, in a program

Tk 948.72cr siphoned off from IFIC Bank

A total of Tk 948.72 crore was siphoned off from two branches of the IFIC Bank Limited through providing term loans to three dubious housing and real estate companies in gross violation of the banking rules, a Bangladesh Bank (BB) inspection revealed. The loans were disbursed to the three companies from

BB reverts to floating exchange rate as remittances fall

Bangladesh Bank on Thursday withdrew the fixed exchange rate of US dollar for banks allowing the market to decide the rate based on demand and supply. The central bank on Thursday backtracked on its earlier decision after the remittance from expatriates marked a fall and exporters failed to convert their bills

LankaBangla signs refinance deal with BB

LankaBangla Finance Limited has signed an refinance agreement with the Bangladesh Bank under the project “Supporting Post Covid-19 Small Scale Employment Creation Project” (SPCSSECP), a press release said Saturday. Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank, Nurun Nahar and Khwaja Shahriar, Managing Director and CEO of LankaBangla Finance signed the agreement on behalf

BRAC Bank signs refinance deal with BB

Bangladesh Bank and BRAC Bank have signed an agreement to provide refinancing facilities to the cottage, micro and small enterprises (CMSEs) run by returnee migrant workers, unemployed youth, and rural entrepreneurs and women business owners. BRAC Bank has signed an agreement with Bangladesh Bank to become Participating Financial institution under the

MBL signs deal with BB on refinance fund

Mercantile Bank Limited recently signed an agreement with Bangladesh Bank to avail Refinance Fund under ‘Supporting Post Covid-19 Small Scale Employment Creation Project (SPCSSECP)’, a press release said Wednesday. Abu Farah Md. Nasser, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank was the Chief Guest and Dong Dong Zhang, Principal Financial Sector Specialist, ADB was

BRAC Bank gets BB recognition for meeting agri-lending target

Bangladesh Bank has recognized BRAC Bank for its outstanding role in successful and timely disbursement of agriculture refinancing credit under Covid-19 Stimulus Package, a press release said Thursday. Bangladesh Bank Governor Fazle Kabir handed over a certificate of recognition to BRAC Bank’s Managing Director and CEO Selim R. F. Hussain at