China a trusted partner of Bangladesh: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stressed the need for exploring more avenues to take the strategic partnership with China to a new height, calling Beijing a trusted partner in socio-economic development of Bangladesh. "We would like to explore more avenues to take the Bangladesh-China strategic partnership to new heights and also work

Never worry about debt trap: Li Jiming

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming has said Bangladesh should never worry about bad debt or so-called debt trap, noting that Bangladesh has managed foreign debt very well with an excellent system in place. "I would say that you've managed foreign debt very, very well, and there's no such bad debt

Bangladesh and the new cold war

That a cold war is on, between the West on one side and China and Russia on the other is no secret. It’s the most evident bit of reality that is shaping the new world. The West is a conglomerate of many countries but all now weaker in comparison to

Engaging US intelligence in virus origins probe unacceptable: Inu

US President Joe Biden's order to engage U.S. intelligence agencies in the investigation of COVID-19 origins is intended to "cover up the country's failures" in controlling the pandemic and is "not acceptable," former Bangladeshi minister Hasanul Haq Inu said. Inu, now chairman of Bangladesh's Parliamentary Standing Committee for Ministry of Information

China’s AI and Western anxiety

China’s tech advances may well end up ending the conventional Western notions of “freedom and democracy” in the world.  Leading Western tech leaders are concerned that the emergence of an AI-powered bloc led by China could completely dominate this century’s geopolitics.  US opinion makers and leaders may know that no

5 lakh doses of Sinopharm vaccine to arrive on May 12

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming on Monday announced that 5 lakh doses of Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine will arrive in Bangladesh on May 12 as a special gift from China. "It's the latest outcome of China-Bangladesh anti-pandemic cooperation which again shows that our two peoples are in the same boat and

Corona, China and India’s lost priorities

Suddenly India looks very vulnerable in the face of corona. The general feeling was that the virus had been tackled in India and it emerged as a “hero ‘to its people. While infection rates soared in the rest of the world, India was relatively safe. On top of that India

China launches main module of permanent space station

China on Thursday launched the main module of its first permanent space station that will host astronauts long-term, the latest success for a program that has realized a number of its growing ambitions in recent years. The Tianhe, or “Heavenly Harmony,” module blasted into space atop a Long March 5B rocket

SCB appoints specialised ‘Corridor Banker’ for China

Standard Chartered Bank Bangladesh recently announced the appointment of Samuel Liew as ‘Corridor Banker’ for China Corridor Business for Standard Chartered Bangladesh. His appointment will further strengthen the China Trade and Investment desk in Bangladesh which has been a key strategic focus for the Bank, said a press release. Samuel joined Standard