Israel and Hezbollah faceoff raises risk of wider conflict

Regular puffs of smoke from missile intercepts over northern Israel and fires from air strikes in southern Lebanon are outward signs of a fear that the Gaza war may be expanding into a wider conflict, which analysts say poses risks for both sides. The stark threats on Wednesday from Sayyed Hassan

Conflict’s long shadow has a name – Hunger

Scarce food and drinking water. Limited and inconsistent healthcare. Rapidly deteriorating mental health. With conflict on the rise globally, this is the grim reality for millions around the world. April 7th will mark the sixth-month anniversary of the attack on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza, which has killed over

Tensions in Israel war cabinet as Gaza conflict rages

Israel's war cabinet, seen as a symbol of national unity in the war against Hamas, has been shaken by political rivalry between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and centrist Benny Gantz, analysts say. A former military chief and ex-defence minister, Gantz visited Washington Monday before heading to London on Wednesday for high-level

What is the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

In recent weeks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeated his rejections of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, saying: I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan – and this is contrary to a Palestinian state. While Netanyahu has never been in

Quader addresses Myanmar conflict and border issues

Obaidul Quader, General Secretary of Awami League and Minister of Road Transport and Bridges, today said that the ongoing conflict in Myanmar is its internal matter and does not involve any dispute with Bangladesh. However, Bangladesh will address any border issues with Myanmar through diplomatic channels and bring the matter

Conflict in Myanmar: 5 govt primary schools declared shut in Bandarban

Amid the ongoing unrest along Bangladesh-Myanmar border, the academic activities of five government primary schools in Naikhangchhari upazila of Bandarban district has been suspended. The government has taken the decision considering the safety of the teachers and students of those schools in Ghumdum union. The Primary and Mass Education Ministry issued a

Israel-Palestinian conflict: Is the two-state solution now dead?

The growing rift between the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government over Israel’s war in Gaza is now in the open, with public disagreement between them on the viability of a two-state solution to the conflict. US President Joe Biden literally embraced Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu within days of Hamas’ horrific

Blinken lands in Israel for talks on Gaza conflict

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken landed Monday in Tel Aviv for talks with Israeli leaders as he seeks to prevent the Gaza conflict from widening, said an AFP journalist travelling with him. The top US diplomat, on his fourth trip to the Middle East since the Israel-Hamas war began on

AL wants no conflict, but competition with BNP: Quader

Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader Friday said the ruling party never wants conflict with BNP but it wants competition with that party. "BNP has made democracy hostage. Those who make democracy hostage at home, how will they establish democracy in the country? From the beginning, we wanted competition