Demography of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Demography is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as the fundamental obstacle to achieving to what each side has long desired: “שָׁלוֹם”, “سلام”, or “peace”. An Israeli-Palestinian peace can’t wait another year, another decade, or another 75 years. Too many Israelis and Palestinians are being killed, too many

1971- 2022: Conflict and alliance in ruling class formation

The events of August 1975 that stretched on till Nov 1975 and beyond were not simply products of isolated conspiracies. They were a continuation of the historical conflicts that were at work for long, intensified in 1971 and exploded in 1975.  The actors were limited in action to mostly ruling

Russia-Ukraine war: Key things to know about the conflict

Russian forces are pounding Ukrainian cities and edging closer to the capital, Kyiv, in a relentless bombardment that keeps deepening the humanitarian crisis in this war, now in its third week. Still, a narrow diplomatic channel remains open, with a Ukrainian official saying Tuesday’s talks with the Russians were difficult, but